Thursday, 27 August 2015

The Mystery of the Missing Balloon by Emily

A group of our very talented writers spent several writing sessions preparing a piece for the Write On competition. Over the next week or so, I will be sharing their very creative work with you.

The first piece is by Emily. I really lover her idea of travelling in time through a portal!

The Mystery of the Missing Balloon

“Father, I’m home from school,” said the little boy in Year 3.
“I really don’t want to hear about you now Luke,” said Mr Robinson. “Can’t you see I’m busy.”
“But I discovered something really cool.” Luke was so angry he pinched his father’s arm. “Ow!!” Mrs Robinson came running in, and his  little sister Penelope. “Into your room, NOW!!’ cried Mrs Robinson.

‘When Luke went to his room he phoned Carl, his best friend. “You there Carl?” Luke whispered.  
“Let’s sneak out.”
“Ah no and why?”
“Because I found this lost treasure. I think it’s a hot air balloon,” whispered Luke in a strange voice.
“Okay. I change my mind.”
“Okay then. I will meet you at school…. And I almost forgot. I’ve got a map,” replied Luke.

When Luke arrived at school at 9pm, Carl was there and he had a whole tub of food. “Okay. You ready Carl? I think you go into our classroom and write on the whiteboard,” Luke said excitedly. “But…”
“What?” asked Carl nervously. “ We need to write I believe I can fly,” said Luke surprised.
“Then walk into the whiteboard,” moaned Luke. “When are we there,” said Luke. “Oh look, that was the next thing,” said Luke.
“You sure about this Luke?” said Carl. He said that he was very nervous. So they jumped into a portal and went into a magical land. They found out that they grew older.

“Is this what we look like when we are older?” asked Luke.
“I think so,” answered Carl. Suddenly there was a phone call. It was Penelope. She said, “Where are you? Daddy, Mummy and I want you NOW!”
“I heard her about to cry,” Luke said really scared to Carl.
Luke said, “Just hang up on her.” He was scared.

It was two hours later, “Look! Look! I found it.” Luke was so happy he kicked the ground.
“Ow. That stings,” Luke said.
“Let’s go Luke. Let’s go. Come on,” Carl moaned.

Luke’s family found out so they did what Luke did. Luke was already up in the air. “Luke my darling. Are you okay?” Mrs Robinson asked. But they were up in the air.
“Mum, Dad and Penelope go find an angry dog … Look, just don’t worry about it.”
“I’m staying!” Penelope yelled.
“No you’re not!”
On the t count I’m Luke Robinson. Then they all left feeling angry, but Luke’s father stayed. “Luke, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just I was going to create a blimp.”
“A blimp Dad really,” Luke said.

So they helped Luke down and Carl. “I’m glad I’ve got a father like you because….” Luke was speechless. “You know what Dad.” Luke just ran off and yelled, “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!”
“Oh no. You didn’t just say that. Well I’m just going to catch you.”

So they ran back to the portal but Mum and Penelope were still there, “There’s no way to get out,” Mum said terrified.
“But I’m older so I can just kick it open,” Luke said unimpressed. So they travelled back in the car and went home.
Luke said, “I have learnt my lesson to never ever run away.”


1 comment:

  1. good job emily i can tell you put a lot of thought into that
    from phoebe
