I've Finished my Homework

Let me know when you have finished your homework here. What did you enjoy the most? What did you find the most challenging. Perhaps you can respond to a comment made by one of your classmates....


  1. I am done my homework from travis

    1. Well done Travis! What were the results of your ice cream flavours survey?

    2. Dear Mrs Camilleri
      I have finished my homework.
      The thing that I found most challenging was my 6 times tables.
      The thing that I enjoyed most was mathletics.
      From Lesley

  2. Dear Mrs.Camilleri,

    I've finished my homework. The most challenging thing was the maths sheet. I enjoyed surveying 10 people.

    From Lorena

  3. Hi Mrs Camilleri
    I`ve finished my homework.
    The thing that I enjoyed best was surveying 10 people.
    Instead I did 19 people because my mum text lots of people.
    From Charlize :)

  4. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework,
    I LOVED the graph work it was so much fun.
    From Emily

    1. I also LOVED the graph work
      from Zara

  5. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I have finished my homework. The task I enjoyed most was the ice cream survey, the task that was most challenging was the maths sheet.
    From Olivia

  6. i'v finished my homework every thing was fun in it

    from phoebe

  7. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finish my homework.I enjoyed the surveying my family.The most challenging was the revising of the 3,4, and 6 times tables.
    From Leon

  8. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework

  9. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I've finished my homework. The most challenging thing was the column graph. I enjoyed the NAPLAN practise on mathletics.
    From Lorena =)

  10. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my home work, the ice cream survey was fun, and the most challenging was the leaning links, because me and my dad raced to try and get on the score board.
    From Emily

    1. You are super Emily! I will have to put more games on just for you!

  11. Dear Mrs Camilleri,

    I have finished my homework.
    The thing that I found most challenging was reversing my 6 times tables and timing myself.
    The thing that I enjoyed most was playing a game in learning links.
    From Lesley

  12. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my home work I found out that I like doing graphs
    From Zara

  13. Hi Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    I enjoyed doing the graphs.
    The most challenging was timing my 6 times tables.
    from Charlize:)

  14. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I've finished my home work. I loved the graph work.
    From Zara

  15. i,v finshed my homework the fun thing was reading and the most challging thing was naplan

  16. I've finished my homework the most challenging was the ice cream graph From callum

  17. Dear Mrs Camilleri,

    I have finished my homework.
    The thing that I found most challenging was the maths sheet.
    The thing that I enjoyed most was mathletics.
    From Lesley

  18. Dear Mrs Camillri i finished my homework i found the maths sheet a little bit hard but i figured it out.
    from Allegra :)

  19. Hi mrs Camailleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing I enjoyed the most was my maths sheet.
    The thing that was the most callenging thing was writing my favourite book charater
    From Charlize :)

  20. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I've completed my homework. The most challenging task was the persuasive piece of writing, the task I enjoyed the most was the persuasive piece of writing.
    From Olivia

  21. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I've finished my home work i found everything enjoyable.
    From Zara

  22. Dear Mrs Camilleri,

    I have finished my homework.
    The most challenging thing was the writing.
    I enjoyed finding a prayer

    From Lorena=)

  23. I've finished my homework i think the most challenging was favourite character award.

    from callum

  24. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I've finished my homework, the task I enjoyed the most was the dreamtime story. The task I found challenging was measuring the three containers.
    From Olivia

  25. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    i have finished my homework

    From Cole

  26. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing that I enjoyed most was mathletics.
    The thing that I found challenging was measuring the three containers.
    From Lesley

  27. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I've finished my homework. I liked measuring the capacity of the containers.
    From Zara

  28. Hi Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing I enjoyed the most was doing my six times tables
    and the thing that was most challenging for me was explaning how a clock is like a number line.
    There was somthing exciting that happend to me it I got a new pet fish and I got news to share news about my fish and my brothers fish they are both fighting fish. From Charlize :)

    1. That is exciting news Charlize! Do you have a photo to show us?

  29. Yes Mrs Camilleri

  30. Im done my home work the most challaning thing was finding 5 words in my book but I find three.


    1. Wow! Well done for completing your homework so quickly Phoebe!!

  31. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing that I found most challenging was measuring big bottles because my measuring cup was only a small one.
    The thing that I enjoyed most was the division coloring sheet.
    From Lesley

  32. I've finished my homework from Callum

  33. Hi Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The most challenging thing learning my times tables.
    Te thing that I enjoyed was doing my mathletics tasks.
    From Charlize :)

  34. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    From Emily

  35. Hi Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing I enjoyed the most was practicing our dance.
    The thing that was most challenging was learning my 8 times tables.
    From Charlize. :)

  36. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing that I enjoyed most was mathletics.
    The thing that I found most challenging was practicing my 8 times tables.
    From Lesley :)

  37. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    I enjoyed the PE dance.
    From Emily

  38. Dear Mrs Camilleri
    I have finished my homework.
    The thing I enjoyed the most was practicing our dance for PE.
    From Emily

  39. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I've finished my homework, the task I found most challenging was my Times Tables. The task I enjoyed most was doing a Learning Link.[ I've done everything except reading everyday]
    From Olivia

  40. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I've finished my homework except for the mathletics and learning link.

  41. Dear Mrs Camilleri,
    I have finished my homework.
