Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Gingerbread Classroom Smash

Thank you Carter for bringing your amazing gingerbread classroom to share!


Sunday, 6 December 2015


Using some poems written by Roald Dahl as inspiration, we decided to write our own. We used rhyme and personification in these. What do you like about them? Do you have a favourite? What makes it good?

The Lion by Eva
Once there was a lion,
Who set of a great big siren.
Then that night he had a dream,
All about cream.
Then he felt the need to go to the loo,
When he heard the cows moo.
Then he went crazy,
Then his wife thought he was lazy.
After it was morning,
And he woke up yawning.
Then he went to the shops,
To by a load of mops,
Then he went home,
To groan.
Again he went to bed,
In case if you’re wondering his name was ted.
When his wife came,
It started to rain.
The next day he called the mayor,
About something fair.

When he got home there was a party,
Then one of his friend’s martie.
Bought him a present,
As he lived on poppy crescent.
After the party he had a shower,
Then he felt full of power.
So he went to the gym,
And met up with Finn.
And then went home,
And his wife groaned.
Then they both went to bed,
And they read.

The End

The Cat by Georgia
Once there lived a cat
Who was very fat.
The cat’s name is buck
He had some luck.
He had lots of money
He wanted to spend it on a bunny.

He was a fellow he’d loved to eat marsh mellows

The pig J

Once there lived a fellow pig,
That liked to dig.
One day it rode its motorbike,
To go look oversight.
Once he had a big fall and got a bump
The adventurely  turned to a lump.
He rested in bed,
Till he fed.
When he was better,
He got a letter.
To go to a school,
That had a pool,
The pig went in and made a fool.

& that’s the end end of the pig by lily

The Rabbit by Abbey

There lived a rabbit, he lived in a stable
And he sat on a dining table.
He had a hat that made him think he was cool.

But it made him look like a fool.

The Bird By Olivia
Once there was a bird,
Who loved to eat his curd.
He liked to go for a beach swim,
But he often broke a limb.
One day he went for a fly,
But oh,oh my
He went tumbling down,
Falling into the town,
When he was on the floor,
A man opened his door.
When the little bird woke up,
The man he saw said “ ‘sup”
And the man and the bird lived together
Not caring about the weather.

The End!

The seahorse BY LESLEY
Once a seahorse lived in a house     
Its only friend was a mouse.
They both liked school,
And at school was a pool
The seahorse liked to dance.
But she loved to prance
She enjoyed having fun
And dancing in the sun.
The seahorse sat on a pear,
Instead of the chair!
It made hot chocolate,
In its fancy pocket.
But then it started roaring,

Instead of it snoring


There once was a pig
That rather liked to dig
That pig loved to roast
And he loved to eat toast
He never wasted his day
Beside the wonderful bay
When he went to school
He took a massive pool
He loved to dance
With his wonderful pants
He also looked at the clock
With his heavy block
He loved to sit
In his own sandy pit
He went for a holiday to the snow
With his adjustable bow
We loved to talk
When he walks
He was born in May
Today is his day
He loved the the jungle

He also loved to tumble


Once there was an ocelot who liked to sit on the bay
And he went on a holiday.
He had fun
And ate a bun.
He climbed a jungle and then mimed. He was hot
Then he found a robot.
He had fun
Under the bright yellow sun. It started to rain
 Then he saw Jarred Hayne.
He saw a mum that started to hum.
He licked his paw then it became sore.
The ocelot the ocelot saw a bird
 That could clearly be heard.
He went to the sea then saw a bee.
He went to rome then found a great home.
Then he went back to have a better snack.
The ocelot saw a pelly
That shook its belly.
He saw red then went straight to bed.
He saw a cat that caught a bat.
The ocelot hated his boss a lot.


The horse poem by Ayotomiwa
Once there lived a horse in a stable.
He was eating on the dining table.
He was eating with all his might.
Until he got some wonka –vite.
Then he started being cool.
Until he had to go to school.
When go to school.
He found his teacher in a pool.
He was shocked at his teacher.
Then he told her to sit on the bleacher.
After school he went to his friend’s house.
In the front of the house he saw a mouse.
Then the horse got scared

And then he got repaired

Once there was a puppy who liked to speak,
He was very unique visiting the leak.
He ran down the street day and night,
Trying to fight in the light.
One day he came home,
He said he ran and visited Rome.
The boy said I am glad you’re here,
And they all had beer.
Soon they jumped and squealed watching a movie,
Looking funky and groovie.
They found a pig,
But they were not surprised because he was wearing a wig.
The pig was a pig fool,
I hated it when he went in the pool.
The puppy was lost at dawn,
In a massive thorn.
He tried to maneuver him self
He looked like a massive elf.
They found each other,
They were almost brothers.
They lived happily ever after,
Always in laughter.
They are still friends,
But they have bends and mends.


 THE DOG by Carter
Once there was a dog
How was not a hog.
He was super clever
He even liked to play shever.
He liked to swim
For bay to day.
He loved school
Even the cool pool.
He loved to play
In May .
The dog found a toy
How really was a boy .
He looked for a class with a three
He loved 3C